How to increase potency in men: list of products-fast acting

Masculine power is a fragile thing, and release it can a variety of factors: stress, ecology, fatigue. But there is good news — to improve the health of men is possible with the help of special diets.

Useful food

The potency of men can cause a serious blow to a variety of reasons: psychological discomfort, age, long-term abstinence, stress, sedentary lifestyle, bad habits. Of course, for improvement of erection need to start to lead a healthy life style, stop being nervous, to find inner comfort. But it is not always possible. Not fear: there are special products to increase potency in men.

How it works

Products, which male potency is a whole list of vegetables, fruit, fish and spices, which not only improve erectile function, but also increase the libido. There is no need to think that the list of these products, they only get exotic food: most of them can be found in the ordinary store. Power rise those foods that are rich in zinc, selenium, vitamins and trace elements. It is also important proteins — for success in the bedroom to need it a lot. An important role plays also how the foods were cooked. Try to not overexposed on the stove: the longer the food is thermally processed, the less useful substances stay there. Vegetables in general is better administered in the form of fresh salads, filled with vegetable oil.

The list of products is so large that you can plan the whole menu for the week and even once again. Husband it is possible that there will be nothing to say: no wonder, increased desire, and what is attractive has become his wife. You the food, too, will benefit: vegetables, spices, fish — all this has an impact not only on testosterone production, but also on beauty and health.


What foods increase the potency in men? A complete list of

Remember of what products will help you to quickly get back the lost libido. But immediate results too don't wait — many the useful substances they need time to accumulate in the body and begin to provide a useful effect on the body.


"The tsarist grass" — this is how in ancient times called basil. And the kings could always boast of excellent men's health — and even for old people have become a father. So, fresh basil add to the salad, and dried - meat or dishes, in the composition of which is tomato.


This fragrant foliage very quickly increases the level of testosterone — after three hours after a meal the man is already ready to love the performances. In addition, regular consumption of parsley has an overall healing effect on the male body: it improves the work of the intestines and the thyroid gland.


Cinnamon is difficult to describe the product, step-up potency, but it has another useful property. Frequent misfires" men often become the cause of uncertainty in itself, and this spice has the property to return faith in their own strength. So treat favorite pastries with cinnamon or brew coffee with her.


Since ancient times people were aware of the properties of ginger — a powerful aphrodisiac. Has the awakening of the sensuality of the effect, and tones and helps restore power. So a cup of tea with ginger — this is what you need before a night of love.


Pungent red pepper

Folk medicine recommends to eat spicy red pepper all — seasoned the seasoning is not so effective. After dinner, the man will feel a surge of strength and self-confidence — the most the right mood for successful completion of the evening.


Already the ancient greeks and romans noticed that anise has the ability to amplify the passion and the fight with nervous tension. What you need for the harmonization of sexual sphere! Anise can be added to meat dishes, tea and coffee.


The smell of vanilla — it's practically a synonym for comfort and warmth, therefore, this is a seasoning best of all it removes nervous tension and stress. If your man is prone to such misfortune, then treat easy vanilla dessert.


This nut contains large amounts of vitamin E, which is called the "vitamin of youth". So that regular consumption of almonds literally rejuvenates the body from the inside — effectiveness will be the same like in 20 years. Only there is one condition — the almonds need to be eaten in raw, and not in fried form.


Are you looking for products for potency in men fast action? Walnut — just such a product. The point is that this nut is rich in zinc and magnesium, which involved the creation of testosterone. And even some amino acids contained in walnut nuts, neutralize the negative effects of alcohol and tobacco.


A month after the wedding, no wonder it is called "honey", because honey helps to prolong an erection. In addition, regular consumption of honey helps to improve the sperm quality. The overall firming action and boost the immunity is a nice bonus.


Sesame is rich in b vitamins and calcium, which has a beneficial effect on the male libido. And yet it reduces the level of anxiety and contributes to strengthening the stress. Most suitable unpolished sesame — level of useful substances in it is higher than in processed. And sesame oil can be refilled salads.

Oysters and mussels

It is said that the famous lover Casanova started his day with mussels and oysters, and this is exactly what was required to the achievements on the love front. Exotic clams — it is a product that increases the potency in men, almost immediately. They are rich in selenium and zinc. These are substances that increase the activity of sperm and is involved in the creation of testosterone.



Singapore scientists years ago have demonstrated the benefits of bananas for male potency. A group of men who participated in the study, noted that regular consumption of bananas has led to an increase in sexual desire. And, potassium and magnesium, which are in excess are contained in these yellow fruits help to improve endurance and strengthen the heart.


Oranges are rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which is contained in these fruits, improves the blood supply to the cavernous body. In addition, regular consumption of oranges and orange juice makes a person energetic and fresh forces will remain and the love of pleasure.


Lemons are rich in vitamin C and groups, as well as vitamin D. All these vitamins are vital for humans, without them, appear apathy, weakness, and even may develop depression. So generous a hand add lemon, a man in a tea, a salad of fresh vegetables, you can drizzle with the juice of this fruit. There are still of the opinion that lemon is useful for the prevention of cancer of the testes and improves sperm quality.


The fruit, which is actually useful for men's health — this is the normal apples. In them contains a number of vitamins: a, C and B group, folic acid. All this has a beneficial effect on male strength and increases the ability to conceive.


The italians are renowned for their temperament. You know, what is their secret? With every meal drink garlic. Garlic increases the production of testosterone, which means that it has a beneficial effect on potency and libido.


French men are also not lagging behind — about their lubwe-abundance of talk around the world. The secret is simple — on the table regularly appears onion soup, which has a powerful effect on the male power. This dish is very easy, but the libido has an immediate effect.


Greek men are convinced, that before the date it is necessary to drink a glass of carrot juice, otherwise it is a joy to partner to deliver didn't work out. It is that faith is not without logic: the carrot contains a lot of beta-carotene. This substance has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels and helps to develop endurance.


The japanese are convinced that a salad of grated radish directly affects the potency. Therefore, regularly eating this useful vegetable both in raw and in pickled form. It is rich in beta-carotene, potassium, calcium, folic acid and phosphorus — an excellent combination for the health of men.


Flounder is rich in vitamin B12, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins a, D and E. In addition, in this fish contains a natural aphrodisiac, so it is the best food for a romantic dinner — interesting continuation of the grant.


Quail or chicken eggs — an ideal source of good cholesterol, protein and b vitamins In. All this is necessary for of male power, so do not neglect the omelets on the menu.


Red meat — it is completely necessary for men product, which is rich in protein and vitamin B12. Sure, fatty and fried meat to abuse it's not worth it, but it must be present in the human diet.


Chicken and veal offal are rich in zinc, selenium, vitamins E and And — almost as an overseas oysters. But unlike the precious molluscs, organ meats you can buy in the market for a penny. Double benefit: so are you and so to save money and feed a man a useful product.


Black chocolate

Lovers of dark chocolate always boast a good erection, therefore, recommend that tidbit to my husband. The consumption of chocolate increases the level of endorphins — hormones of joy, creating a feeling of calm and security. All this is very positive effect on interest in the opposite sex.

Now you know a complete list of useful products for men. To increase potency and it is necessary to eat them regularly — that the result was stable. A wide selection allows you to cook large quantities of food, so you won't have a problem with the daily menu.

Dishes that potency

Do not think that food preparation, useful for male power, will have a lot of forces and time. More often than not, they are quite simple and do not require any skills of the chef. If you are tight enters into your menu, then harmony in the intimate area of family life is ensured.

Vitamin salad

  • 1 small radish
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 apple
  • Olive oil

All the ingredients you need to rub on a grater and season with olive oil. On request it is possible to add lemon juice. This salad is especially helpful in the winter — it is rich in vitamin C, which protects against colds.

Tomato sauce

  • 500 grams of tomato trade winds (puree of tomatoes) or a bank of canned tomatoes in own juice
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • Half a cup of water

Missing the garlic through the masher or a slice, and after slightly sauté in olive oil. Add the Passat or canned tomatoes and mix. Add water, spices, salt and sugar. The sugar is necessary — it will be the sauce sweet, but will just removed the acid of the tomatoes. Such sauce is suitable for pizza or pasta — original Italian recipe!

Baked flounder with lemon and garlic

  • Flounder
  • Salt
  • Ground black pepper
  • The juice of half a lemon
  • A few cloves of garlic

Flounder, you need to clean, rub inside and out with salt and pepper, wrap in foil and bake in the oven for about 40-45 minutes. At this time, mix the juice of half a lemon with chopped garlic and put the mixture and allowed to stand. Finished the fish be, showering garlic-lemon sauce.

This recipe — from the black mountains. Exactly, eat fish in this country.

French onion soup

  • 3-4 large onions
  • 20 g butter
  • 1 liter of broth
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Yesterday's baton
  • Grated cheese

Slice the onion half rings, and mascara it in butter to a golden brown. Do not rush — if onions foothills, then the soup will be spoiled. When the onion gets to the desired state, pour one liter of broth, add salt and pepper. Give the soup let stand on low heat for another 15 minutes and take off fire. Slice the last button on the pieces, add the grated cheese and leave in the oven until they appear appetizing golden crust. Be soup with croutons, bon appétit! French onion soup — it is simple. If you wanted to change it, then it is possible to replace half of the broth with white wine. The alcohol will evaporate during cooking.

Ginger drink

Ginger drink

  • A piece of fresh ginger root about the size of a phalanx of a finger
  • 2 slices of lemon
  • 1-2 teaspoons of honey
  • 500 milliliters of water

Ginger is necessary to rub on a grater, pour boiling water and leave under a lid for 15-20 minutes. Once in the warm decoction is necessary to add lemon and honey is ready, you can enjoy. This drink is delicious warm on a cold night and helps faster better for colds. For variety, ginger can cooking with mint, and for lovers of sharp — with a small slice of chili peppers.

What else will help restore the potency?

Now you know what products to increase the potency in men, you have a list of recipes from them, but how else can you help a man feel young again? I need sport, light and drop weight.

Cardio useful for the heart and blood vessels, but this does not mean that you have to run to the gym. A walk in the park, or just a couple of stops, through the walk, perfectly effect on sexual function. And lovers of swimming can try out in the pool, because it will, fortunately, not only heart, but also the spin. And can be, men in the soul of table tennis? You can play together with my wife, because common hobbies, that strengthen the marriage. The second point — this is a continuation of the first. If men are overweight — it will have a negative effect on erection. Therefore it is better to reduce it — it will be useful not only for the genitourinary system, but also on the overall state of the organism.

Light is an important part of men's health, because without light in the body begins to produce the hormone melatonin, which signals that it's time to split up to sleep, and it blocks the sex drive. So worth a look they often were on the street in the daytime, open the curtains and kindle a bright light in the evening — so intimate life will improve much faster.