Increase potency in one day — really?

How to increase strength in home conditions quickly — the recipes of folk medicine, proper nutrition, emphasis on minerals and vitamins, which are required for normal erection. Potency, it is possible to pick up and with the help of exercise, using folk methods. All the useful tips in this article.

We use products for fast improvement in potency

Preparations for the rapid improvement of potency

How to quickly increase the potency in men, if you are soon planned an intimate evening? Here you pharmacological agents. These funds are designed specifically for the treatment of erectile disorders. The advantages of the products — good portability, functionality without depending on the age of the men, quick offensive action.

What vitamins and minerals can quickly improve potency?

The state of potency is directly dependent on what you eat, from the usefulness of the diet. On the potency affect some vitamins and minerals:

  1. Zinc. It is part of many enzymes, and therefore it is involved in metabolic processes. To get the level of testosterone in the body was normal, we need a sufficient amount of this chemical element. Zinc is involved in the exchange of dehydro-testosterone. In male sex organs is constantly going on fission and updates of the genital cells, this process slows down when lack of zinc. Reduces the number of sperm , reducing their quality. Enhance potency often depends on the t of the diet, will quickly increase the potency you foods rich in zinc: shrimp, oysters, wheat bran, anchovies, egg yolks, fish.
  2. Selenium. A mineral that in large quantities it uses the reproductive system of men. The main role of selenium — an antioxidant. The element supports the blood vessels in a healthy state, warns development of atherosclerosis, stroke and heart attack. Frees the body from radicals, selenium ensures the synthesis of sex hormones and sperm. When his lack of decreases of testosterone in the body, which entails the failure of potency. To your body selenium, add to the diet the following products, the potency of: corn, seafood, tomatoes, garlic and eggs.
  3. Vitamin E. Fat-soluble vitamin, which is known for its powerful antioxidant properties. Its action is multifaceted: the normalization of hormonal background, strengthening the walls of blood vessels, stabilizing cell membranes, is an obstacle to the formation of blood clots. Lack of tocopherol sometimes leads to the development of infertility, including on the part of men. Contains vitamin E in foodstuffs: vegetable oils, wheat germ, fish, nuts, potency, sunflower seeds, particularly pumpkin.
  4. Seafood
  5. B vitamins. Often reduced potency is related with the fatigue of the body. Vitamin B1 reduces fatigue of the organism, improves immunity, nourishes the muscles and brain with energy. Vitamin B6 affects the nervous system. To increase strength, add in the diet of sunflower seeds, eggs, nuts, sea fish.

How to increase strength in home conditions quickly?

Increase potency quickly is possible even in domestic conditions. Here are some of the secrets:

  1. Various water treatments. It can be a daily douches, hiking in the sauna once a week. Such a difference in temperature positively affects the blood flow throughout the body, including in organs of the urinary system.
  2. Change the diet. Eliminate harmful products, sauces, fatty foods. Add to food, for example well-known aphrodisiacs such as celery, parsley, potency, onions.
  3. Give up bad habits. How alcohol and smoking negative impact on cellular nutrition authorities. Substances contained in tobacco constrict blood vessels, reduce the formation of sex hormones.
  4. Sometimes with the aim of increasing the potency in one day, need to just relax and get rid of stress. Often just the emotional strain becomes a cause of male inability.
  5. Physical exercise. Will have on the body a different effect, but their effectiveness is undeniable. About it, I'll explain below.

The physical burden and increase the potency

Any exercise is good for the whole body. But experts have developed special complexes of exercise, which purposefully act on the work of the genital organs, their trophism and tone of the muscles, which are responsible for erection.

Displayed exercises in the event that:

  • in you is gone morning erections;
  • erection is weak, it is not enough to complete intercourse;
  • missing the attraction to a woman;
  • the orgasm was not as clear as before.

Here are examples of exercises:

  1. Explain how to strengthen very quickly, at home, just that exercises regularly this exercise. The man sits down on the floor (warm), it is possible to on the bench. Your feet need widely dotting. Back smooth, hands skip down, breath calm, the nose. During rapid short breaths squeeze the palm, as if to catch something. Along with this try to how can a stronger squeeze your buttocks, feel all the muscles that are responsible for this movement. Then slowly breathe out. The exercise is performed from the 7 approaches, among which one minute of rest. Such physical tension effectively strengthens the muscles of the perineum, supports control of urination, especially for those who have incontinence. Shortens muscles, you are doing the idea, prostate massage, provide blood flow to a greater extent than previously. Sure, there's a very positive way affect sexual function.
  2. The second exercise is performed from a supine position on the abdomen. The hands bent in elbows, palms on the level of the axillary cavity, that is, your elbows "look" up. Slowly inhaling, lift your head and shoulder strip, slowly take your head back. On the exhale lower your head and chest to the starting position. After a few seconds of rest, repeat another 7 approaches.
  3. The next exercise is focused on the working muscles, which are responsible for potency. to be sitting on a chair with his legs apart, the tension of the muscles, which is located between the anus and scrotum. That is, the buttocks should be relaxed;
  4. The next exercise is simple. He stood in place, outside of marching steps, how is it possible to lift the knee.

Features exercises that progressively load should increase. Increase the number of repetitions, do the exercise in the morning and evening. On average, the effect of the performed daily tasks should appear a week later.

In fact, problems with erectile function occur at any age. Most cases, impotence can fix this , he turns for help to the professionals. In 95% of the doctors will be able to restore an erection without operative intervention. The most important condition for the preservation of potency — healthy lifestyle.