Folk remedies for the recovery of male power

Since ancient times it was believed that sexual function of men are the criterion of his power and manhood. According to statistics it is known that about one third of the representatives of the stronger sex have the decline of potency and libido. But if earlier this problem is faced primarily by men of an older age, it is now the problem wasn't bypassing the party and youth members. The point is that many of the negative factors (stress, smoking, alcohol, overwork, being overweight, illness), always have an impact on the male body. If the problem appeared for the first time, it's worth a try to master using the recipes of alternative medicine. We describe how to restore the male power folk remedies.

That it is worth taking before you start treatment

Before how to restore the male power folk remedies, it is necessary to clean certain areas and features of a man's life. Only folk remedy for male power will bring the maximum effect. First of all, to restore the potency of a person's need to learn to relax and rest. The point is that because of the constant surges of the nervous system on the background of depression, stress, overwork of the muscular system can not relax, but the entire body and is unable to function properly.

Tip! Before how to get a man's strength, that person shall state on the path of healthy life. It is important to eat properly, exercise, give up alcohol and cigarettes.

To restore potency, it is necessary to establish the production of testosterone. This hormone is actively produced by the male body, only subject to obtaining a sufficient amount of animal fats. This is the reason why every representative of the stronger sex should be a day to consume meat products. Especially helpful is the beef liver, beef meat and meat birds.

Strengthen the potency observed in the consumption of foods considered to be natural aphrodisiacs:

  • fish;
  • watermelon and pumpkin;
  • onions and garlic;
  • seafood;
  • celery;
  • nuts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • parsley;
  • cumin;
  • vegetables and fruits with a high content of zinc and vitamins B.

Only then is the effectively increases male power folk remedies, a variety of drug and herbal preparations. Here are the most popular and effective folk remedies for male power.



Various medicinal herbs and fees are able to restore potency is not worse than drugs. Their action is directed to the expansion of blood vessels, improve blood circulation and relaxation of smooth muscle. These drugs usually do not give side effects and have few contraindications. He decided to use any people's car, the pre-it is worth it to see a doctor, because of a decrease in potency sometimes occurs on the background of the dangerous disease.

What folk remedy for male power to choose, it just depends on the man. We will describe the most popular recipes:

  1. Back to man power will help decoction of the root of ginseng. For this 100 grams of raw take two days to half a liter of water. After the mixture cook on the heat for 4 hours In the course of cooking to add cinnamon and a tablespoon of honey. Decoction taken in 110 ml three times after a meal.
  2. For strengthen the male body and to increase potency useful to consume a tincture of thyme. Chopped raw insist on boiling water (0.2 l) ½ hours. The prepared infusion drink during the day. Such treatment is continued for half a year. It's a home therapeutic agent is particularly useful for men's health because it contains zinc, which boosts testosterone production and activity of sperm and sexual function a man. Thyme since ancient times is used for the prevention of adenoma, prostatitis, and impotence.
  3. To increase the potency it is worth it is the root of calamus. Small pieces of the root of the plant will bite during the day no more than three times. Also from the raw materials, prepared alcohol tincture in a ratio of 1: 5. This infusion two weeks in the dark, and it is accepted 30 drops of 3 p/dv Treatment course – 1 month.
  4. Not less effective in the treatment of this pathology is the tincture of dubrovnik. For its preparation 75 grams of grass mixed with liters of water and insist for a few days. Take 100 grams of three times in the course of 45 days.

More often than not, the answer to the question, how to get the male power folk remedies, alternative and natural medicine recommends to use the funds on the basis of nettles:

  • water tincture of dioecious nettle prepared as follows: 15 g of raw material is cooked in boiling water (0.25 l), insist on 1/3 of an hour and strain, take before eating 50 g 3 p/d;
  • prepare the collection of nettle, clover, mint and st john's wort as well in a ratio of 20 g of the mixture, pour boiling water (500 ml) and insist hour, after straining take 50 grams several times a day;
  • to increase libido, chop the seeds of nettles and mix 10 g of raw with a teaspoon of honey and a glass of wine, take before meals in the evening;
  • helpful to eat fresh nettle leaves in the form of salad with egg and onions;
  • crushed banana meat and the dried seeds of the nettle – is another means for the concepts of potency.

Other recipes

Herbal medicine – is not the only thing folk remedy for male power. There are many recipes on the basis of other products:

  1. A powerful stimulant of male power, honey. Its useful mixed with carrot juice, ginger, red wine and nuts. One more recipe: walnuts – pound, aloe juice – 100 ml, honey – 300 grams. Nuts can be replaced with red wine. Means of infusion of a couple of weeks, after which it take 50 g before meals.
  2. Ginger
  3. Fast-acting stimulator of male power is prepared on the basis of white wine. Per litre of the wine, added the juice from the oranges (0.25 l) and 125 ml of lemon juice. Then put there 30 g honey, 15 ml liqueur, cardamom, cloves, cinnamon and mint. The mixture is warmed to and they stand in the fridge for three days. After straining drink before sexual intercourse.
  4. For potency it is helpful to chew a day for three cloves of garlic.
  5. Pumpkin seeds have long been known for their ability to increase male power. Improve sperm production and activity of the reproductive system of men.
  6. Useful to gold application on the sex organ. For this 200 g of honey dissolved in a liter of water. In the solution to moisten a napkin and put on the body for 10 minutes twice a day.
  7. For improvement of blood circulation and blood flow to the male sexual organ useful to set the mustard on the legs.

Also to increase potency, you can prepare the next mulled wine. A mixture of dried prunes and dried apricots (100 g each) add 20 g of sugar, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon. All pour red wine (1 bottle) and tormented on low heat for half an hour. Useful drink in the evening before meals or before sex.