How to increase the potency after 50 years

50 years - this is maturity, this is a combination of knowledge, skills and abilities. But, and this is the beginning of a reduction of erectile function. Preparations for increase potency after 50 years, are appointed by men, when the symptoms of impotence.

Potency after 50

And yet, instead, to engage increase potency, better tolerate its reduction. How to do it? Of course, it is necessary to turn to the urologist. The doctors of these fields treat the main complaint, removing its causes.

Is it always after 50 years is deteriorating potency?

Potency after 50 years, is not always reduced. The mistaken view that after the celebration of the fifties birthday party coming of age. If you look at the classification by the World health organization, then the margin between 45 and 59 years corresponds to the middle age.

Therefore clearly assert that the potency in men 50 years and older, must necessarily get worse, you can not.

List of the most common reasons

Negative external and internal exposure with regard to risk factors provokes sexual dysfunction. Doctors do not rule out the psychological aspect of the problem.

For the stable job of the reproductive system is responsible hormone testosterone, which level with age physiologically decreases.

If the doctor I Suppose, that the problem of dysfunction is precisely in his failure, then before the treatment prescribe a laboratory diagnosis to confirm or exclude the hypothesis.

And if there is a reason – alcohol?

In this issue is the main condition – moderation. If it's one glass of good red dry wine to dinner, then a negative effect will not be.

But through alcoholism full of obese female type a – enlargement of the abdomen, the breasts (gynecomastia), in combination with the accompanying hormonal imbalances. Due to the potency of can greatly be broken.

The fear to fail

After 50 years of returns the emotional problems, the emergence of fear to suffer from the fiasco that scares men. Emerging vicious circle creates a powerful barrier that not everyone can do it.

Helps psychologist or sexuologovi, explains the irrationality of fear. During the consultation you can ask all the questions, find out how by using the correct mental attitude to increase the potency after 50 years.

Unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise


Fast food restaurants, convenience foods and a sedentary way of life – beach a modern, actively developing company.

Cook yourself, at home, today many refuse to. If fast food appears on the table every day, it is a violation in the body practically do not exist. But when the abuse accumulates "bad" cholesterol, which settles on the walls of blood vessels.

The lack of movement on the background of improper nutrition slows down the metabolic processes, the decay products are not excreted from the body.

In men after 50 both risk factors induce a variety of disorders, from stroke, ends in impotence.

Diseases as risk factors for impotence

Doctors specializing in sexual dysfunction, stress, decrease in libido on the background of somatic diseases. The negative impact of the disease, and drugs used for therapy.

Therefore, prior to treatment, the doctor explains to the patient about the need for strict adherence to the dosage, duration and method of income. In the opposite case, the risk of developing impotence increases.

The list of diseases that are dangerous for male power

In the first place between the provocateurs — the pathology of the prostate – prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia, a tumor rebirth. If the man found out the disease — first you need to heal, and only then do the and increase potency.

To other diseases, leading to sexual dysfunction, include:

Diabetes mellitus

  • Increased level of sugar is manifested by the deterioration of the microcirculation. During diabetes is accompanied by a decrease in the production of testosterone, and it's directly specifically affecting the erection.

Weak peripheral innervation

  • Arises when injuries of the spinal cord in the lumbar region, compression of the nerve roots herniated of the spine. After surgical removal of a hernia symptoms of dysfunction of quickly reduce.

Sexual infections

  • Sexually transmitted diseases in the first place affect the structure of the prostate, seminal vesicles, urethra. Recurrent inflammation of the prostate creates a deficit of synthesized testosterone.

Problems from the thyroid gland

  • Impotence occurs when the imbalance of the work of the pituitary gland and the thyroid gland. The first produces TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone), in response to which the thyroid gland consists of T4, and then into the blood – T3. When hypothyroidism or oncology T4 becomes little, while a high TSH, which leads to the rise of the female hormone prolactin. Consequently, the body the man acquires the features of a woman – obesity is the abdomen, gynecomastia, emotional lability. Libido in hypothyroidism decreases sharply.

The changes related to the external parts of the genital organs

  • For example, if there is disease Peyronie's progresses, the fibrous component of the protein shell of the penis. Dense plaques bend the penis, and sexual intercourse is accompanied by a pronounced pain syndrome.

50 years of critical age for men. Other slow diseases. All of these reasons are in the first place effect on the potency. Time spent therapy reduces subsequent complications.

Drugs that lead to impotence

Treatment of primary somatic diseases may lead to undesirable consequences in the form of a reduction in potency. Therefore, it is necessary to know the drugs that they have this ability, then don't have to think, how to restore broken potency.

Disease Remedies
Chronic prostatitis With the aim of reducing the inflammation on the background of deterioration in a number of cases prescribe hormonal agents – corticosteroids (in the ineffectiveness of non-steroidal drugs). With long-term use of hormonal pills is celebrating reduces the production of sex hormones.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) Beta-blockers induce an increased synthesis of female hormones. After the abolition of the erection will easily return.

ACE inhibitors impair potency.

Diuretics (diuretic). Volatile income does not have complications, but a longer (more than 5 months, steady income), reduces sexual function.

Diseases of the excretory and digestive system Narcotic analgesics. Longer can the uncontrolled use causes hypogonadism (lack of testosterone).

Antiulcer. Require cautious use. Confirmed complications is not proven, but we cannot exclude an indirect effect through the central nervous system.

Gastro-protectors. Exceeding the dosage of oregano as normalize digestion can lead to erectile dysfunction.

Allergies One of the side events of antihistamines — anti-androgen effect
Emotional disorders Drugs with psychotropic action (antidepressants, heavy sedatives) cause a loss of sexual desire. Uncontrolled intake causes the lack of orgasm.
Improving potency

Sport as a means to increase potency

To increase the potency up to 50 years, initially it is necessary to determine the factor leading to this condition. Depending on the type of chronic disease is determined by the tactic of therapy. Not only that the pills increase the potency, but even moderate exercise.

Regular lessons will restore the synthesis of testosterone in the body, increases men's options.

Long walks

  • Movement stimulates the increase of blood and oxygen, activates metabolic processes. Long walks generate the necessary load medium degree of intensity. It's a variant for men, which rarely went to the gym.
  • Celebrate the strengthening of the muscular walls of blood vessels, increasing the speed of the movement of blood. Organs of a small basin to receive the blood and nutrients needed for the excretion of toxins.
  • Hiking is a good influence on the emotional background, reduces depression and fear, which allows you to refrain from antidepressants and sedative drugs, thereby increasing the potency.

Nordic walking

With a good level of physical readiness of the Finnish walking sticks allows you to customize the weight. During exercise take advantage of almost all groups of muscles, and the amount of burn calories at 46% more than during normal walking.

This option may take advantage of men, whose effectiveness has decreased on the background of diabetes.

Other types of sports venues

If you want to nordic walking replaced swimming, yoga, skiing. In any case, the effect will be positive – the muscle is saturated with oxygen, the heart works harder, the weight returns to normal, the mood improves.

Lifting weights (powerlifting) is not recommended for the untrained. Only professionally dealing with guys without consequences, they can practice with large weights.

Nordic walking

Systematic physical exercise has a beneficial effect on the libido, promote increase, stable preservation of potency in men and even after 50.

How to reduce the effect of stress?

Restoration of disturbed stresses the potency of in men after 50 years and includes a complex, which consists of the normalization of food, the daily therapeutic gymnastics, the intake of vitamins and trace elements.

Vitamin complexes

The pharmaceutical industry combines vitamins, appropriate to the human body. They fill in the lack of important trace elements, to normalize the education of androgens (vitamin E), improve the libido (tocopherol), the quality of the seminal fluid (folic acid). The internal energy increases, increases the potency.

The uniqueness of the complexes is defined by the composition, which will correspond to the daily norm of each element. Their adoption is necessary at the exchange rate set by the doctor.

Pharmacies offer an extensive list of vitamins to increase potency in men after 50. When buying it is worth it to focus on price, but on the composition.

Vitamins – it is also a products, with a variety of functions and adverse effects. Therefore, it is an independent label dangerous serious consequences.

The principles of rational nutrition

The first and most important rule – the number of calories should still be in the standard. Only overweight will not grow.

Products that are subject to the prohibition Allowed
  • meat and fish the oily varieties;
  • food with high salt content — how to inhibit the output of excess fluid from the body;
  • sweet drinks – they strengthen your thirst, and swelling is not imminent.
The basis of the diet consists of diet, meatless, faintly salty food:

  • chicken;
  • veal;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • fruit drinks, compotes, herbal decoctions.

Fry in oil is also not desirable, it is better to boil or stew.

Some foods are considered natural cheap means of enhancing potency. These include:

  • seafood;
  • turnip;
  • lemon, orange;
  • quail eggs;
  • chocolate;
  • avocado;
  • dates;
  • nuts;
  • celery.

The addition of their diet to return the hormonal balance, increase the production of sex hormones.

Comprehensive exercises


Increasing strength after 50 years in domestic conditions is possible by means of exercises. On the medical forums were selected the most effective:

  1. Twist the hoop. The impact on the area of the small pelvis, stimulates the active flow of blood.
  2. March on the spot. Exercise is considered to be properly met, if the knee can touch the chest. Initially this is difficult, but a systematic exercise will solve this problem.
  3. Do the "mill". This exercise perfectly strengthens the back muscles.
  4. Pick up the pan. If you want to properly execute, you need to lie on your back, shoulders, snuggle up to the floor. Legs bendable at the knees, the heels are so close to push up to the buttocks. Of this provision is to increase the pan.

The total duration of the exercise amount to no more than 15 minutes. Why carry out the whole complex is needed every day.

What drugs to restore potency?

As a therapeutic correction of the applied drugs (in the form of tablets or ointment) and the active supplements.

Methods of folk medicine

Recipes of folk medicine also have a positive effect on the potency, increase and strengthen it. Most of them improve the protective properties, the overall health status:

Honey-nut mixture. Grind nuts, mix with honey in equal proportions, her every day after breakfast.

Magical green tea. In kettle pour leaves tea, add the rubbed with ginger, saffron and 1 flower of cloves.

Ginger. It is effective for all variations. Is it possible in home conditions to make and healthy drink. For this finely cut ginger, pour boiling water, let stand. If you want to, add the honey.

Folk recipes usually safe. But before using folk methods exclude the intolerance of components.

Tips doctors

Urologists, sexologists believe that it is in fact the best drug to increase potency – regular sex. An active sex life, and especially in 50 years, improves the blood circulation the internal organs, nourishing the heart and brain with oxygen. Produced by the hormones of pleasure have a positive impact on the overall emotional background.

Special creams and gels will help diversify the intimate life, to news. You can buy them in stores for adults, or on the internet.


Maintain a high level of potency in 50 years, you can:

  • Compliance with the foundations of proper nutrition,
  • the restoration and maintenance of physical activity,
  • intake of vitamins,
  • in a timely manner made the treatment of chronic diseases

allow you to be a healthy, happy life, to communicate with his beloved wife and to feel his masculine strength.